How much time off work for back pain?

Combien de temps d'arrêt de travail pour un mal de dos ?

Wondering how much time off work for back pain? In this article, we answer your question by addressing the factors that influence the duration of work stoppage for back pain, medical recommendations as well as the consequences of prolonged work stoppage.

I - How much time off work for different cases of back pain?

The duration of your work stoppage depends on the case of back pain you suffer from. If you have a herniated disc, your sick leave may last from a few weeks to several months, depending on the need for rest and treatment. In general, sick leave for a herniated disc lasts approximately 4 to 12 weeks. For lower back pain, 2 to 6 weeks of sick leave are recommended. Concerning spondylolisthesis, the average is 6 to 12 weeks of sick leave. Downtime for disc disease varies from a few weeks to several months. For cruralgia, the time off work is from a few days to several weeks depending on the severity of your situation. The time off work for sciatica depends on the position you hold: for a sedentary job, the duration of sick leave is around 2 days; for light physical work, approximately 5 days; for moderate physical work, approximately 21 days. The duration of sick leave for sciatica can be up to 35 days for heavy physical work.

It is important to take into consideration that these periods of work stoppage are approximate and vary on a case by case basis.

II - What factors influence the duration of work stoppage?

Different factors influence the length of time off work, including the severity of the pain and the condition. The most serious cases often require more rest and therefore a longer period of sick leave.

The nature of your job as well as its physical demands are also factors which strongly influence the duration of the leave. Jobs that involve prolonged standing, handling heavy objects, or repetitive movements require longer time off work.

Finally, among the factors that impact the duration of work stoppage, there is also the type of treatment and the time required for recovery. Some medical treatments such as surgery or physiotherapy require a longer period of time off work.

Ultimately, the length of your time off work depends on the severity of the pain, your condition, the physical demands of your workstation as well as the type of treatment you are undergoing and the recovery time you need.

III - Medical recommendations for sick leave

If you suffer from back pain, you must first carry out a medical consultation and a thorough diagnosis in order to assess the severity of your case and choose an appropriate treatment. Depending on your condition, your doctor will prescribe a suitable time off work based on the factors we mentioned previously, the pain, your condition, the demands of your job, the type of treatment and the recovery time needed.

In addition, it is essential to monitor the progress of your case through regular medical monitoring, in order to ensure optimal recovery and to adjust your work leave if necessary.

IV - Consequences of prolonged work stoppage

Prolonged work stoppage can have financial, professional and mental health consequences.

Financially, prolonged work stoppage generally results in a significant loss of income if you do not have compensation or disability insurance. On a professional level, a long sick leave can impact your career progression and your professional opportunities. Finally, prolonged work stoppage can impact your mental health by generating stress, anxiety and sometimes even depression linked to isolation and loss of routine.

To facilitate the return to your workstation after a long absence from work, it is crucial to have open communication with your employer and your doctors in order to put in place any necessary adaptations for a safe and sound return to your workstation. a pleasant and productive environment adapted to your needs.

Ultimately, the length of time off work for back pain depends on several factors, such as the severity, the pain, the nature of your job, the type of treatment as well as the recovery time necessary for your recovery.

FAQ: Answers to your questions about stopping work for back pain.

How to get sick leave for back pain?

To obtain leave from work for back pain, you must carry out a complete diagnosis by a specialist, consult your attending physician or the occupational physician if necessary.

How long is a work stoppage for lumbago?

A work stoppage for lumbago can last between a few days and a few weeks depending on the severity of your condition, your treatment and what your doctor recommends.

Can I work with low back pain?

It depends on the nature of your work and the severity of your lower back pain. However, it is preferable to take precautions to avoid aggravating your condition, by adjusting your workstation with suitable accessories such as the ball chair, the standing desk, the wrist rest, or a lumbar cushion. It is also important to stay active in the office by taking breaks.

Is back pain considered a disability?

Back pain can be considered a disability if it has a significant impact on your productivity and daily life. In this case, adjustments to your living and working environment are necessary.

What work when you have back problems?

When you suffer from back problems, you should choose a job with an ergonomic environment that does not require strain on your back. Jobs that allow you to change position and maintain a correct position for your back should be favored so as not to aggravate your back problems.