Bloon keeps you in your dynamic posture , which helps prevent back pain, strengthens deep muscles and improves blood circulation.

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A French invention

When a design lover meets an osteopath, they design an innovative and hybrid seat combining the beautiful, the good and the good to feel better and no longer have back pain. Bloon is a new generation of furniture that is both beneficial and aesthetic.

Stabilizing weighted base

360° handle belt

Hand sewn fabrics

They tested bloon

+ 2,000 reviews

More than 130,000 blooners won over!

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Bloon Original Regular Pearl Gray

Very reliable site, order quickly delivered, very nice product.


Bloon Original Regular Saffron

For my chronic lower back pain aggravated by sitting, I opted for the Bloon ball.
After 15 days of use to get used to this new seat, I can already stay longer in a seated position without having the lower back pain that forced me to get up.