I ordered this product because my back hurt when I was doing watercolor painting. I'm so glad of my purchase. Great stability and at the same time flexibility, this relieves my back and allows me to continue my activity.
Christine MC KIMM
★★★★★ -
1 day ago
I had tried Bloons on other people. Now I'm excited to have mine. And those who try it at home go away and place an order. Impossible not to love.
Bénédicte DEL POZO
★★★★★ -
1 week ago
Very satisfied with my purchase
Great customer service (balloon ordered on a Sunday delivered inflated on Wednesday) Very happy with my purchase, I use it every day, it is magnificent!
Le Trouble Déficit de l’Attention avec ou sans Hyperactivité a un impact significatif sur la vie quotidienne en influençant la concentration, l’attention, l’impulsivité et parfois l’activité motrice. Découvrez comment en reconnaître les signes, nos conseils pratiques pour mieux vivre avec et des stratégies d’aménagement adaptées : espace de travail optimisé, chaises TDAH…