Improve your sleep: position for sleeping with back pain

Améliorez votre sommeil : position pour dormir avec un mal de dos


66% to 75% of people suffer from lower back pain or back pain at least once in their life. In France, 7 out of 10 people suffer from back pain, regardless of age, with 84% of young people saying they have already had back pain. This is why it is important to prevent back problems by adopting a good sleeping position with back pain.

I - Importance of sleeping position

Influence of Sleeping Position on Spinal Alignment

Sleeping position greatly influences the maintenance of your spinal alignment. When you adopt a good sleeping position, your spine maintains its natural curves, which reduces pressure on the intervertebral discs and ligaments. For example, when sleeping on your back you can place a pillow under your knees and when sleeping on your side it is recommended to place a pillow between your knees to help maintain a good position to sleep without back pain. A good sleeping position promotes better blood circulation and allows the muscles to relax properly, contributing to a restful sleep.

Consequences of Bad Sleeping Position on Back Pain

A poor sleeping position can take a toll on your back. When your spine is not naturally aligned, your muscles have to compensate, leading to stiffness when you wake up in the morning. A poor sleeping position can also put excess pressure on your nerves, creating serious back problems or making existing back problems worse. If you have back pain along with other symptoms and want to know if your back pain is serious, check out our article: How to Tell if Back Pain Is Serious.

Positions to Avoid

There are certain sleeping positions for back pain that should be avoided in order not to aggravate back pain. These include:

  • Stomach Position : Sleeping in the stomach position forces the natural curvature of the spine and can put excess strain on the neck and lower back. Which can cause neck pain.

  • Starfish Position : Although the starfish position may seem comfortable, sleeping with your arms above your head can cause shoulder and neck pain.

  • Fetal Position : The fetal or fetal position has several benefits, however a curled version of the side position, where the knees are pulled too high toward the chest, can cause lower back pain and disrupt your deep breathing.

To reduce your risk of back pain and improve the quality of your sleep, try to avoid these sleeping positions.

II - The best positions for sleeping with back pain

  • Position on the back

    • Sleeping on your back is one of the best positions for sleeping with back pain. Sleeping on your back helps distribute your body weight evenly and maintains natural spinal alignment. For added comfort, you can place a pillow under your knees to reduce pressure on your lower back.

  • Side position

    • To sleep with back pain, you can adopt the side position, this position helps to maintain the alignment of your hips, spine and pelvis. For more comfort we recommend that you place a pillow between your knees. In addition, you should use a pillow thick enough to fill the space between your mattress and your head, in order to avoid bad neck position and cervical pain.

  • Fetal position

  • The fetal position is also an ideal position for sleeping with back pain. This position involves sleeping on your side with your knees slightly bent towards your chest. This position helps reduce the curvature of the spine and decrease tension.

  • The supine position, side position and fetal position are the best positions for sleeping with back pain, they help reduce pressure on your back and promote a good night's sleep.

III - Tips and advice to relieve back pain while sleeping

In addition to adopting a good position for sleeping with back pain, there are different tips to relieve your back pain before sleeping.

Using cushions for better support

Pillows can be your ally when sleeping with back pain. If you sleep on your back, place a pillow under your knees, if you sleep on your side, place a pillow between your knees.

Choosing a mattress and pillow

Choosing your mattress and pillow are essential for sleeping with back pain. Choose a mattress that is not too firm and that offers good support, such as a memory foam mattress. Regarding the pillow, it is best to choose one that keeps your head aligned with your spine.

Adjusting posture during sleep

Your sleeping position has an impact on your back. Always try to keep your back straight, spine aligned and avoid twisting. We recommend that you opt for the three best positions for sleeping with back pain, the supine position, the fetal position and the side position. Of course, you don't have to stay in just one position, you can alternate during your sleep.

Hot bath, hot water bottle, and other remedies

A nice hot bath with Epsom salt, a hot water bottle on the painful area(s) and other remedies can help you relieve your back pain before going to sleep. Don't hesitate to consult our article: Grandma's remedies for back pain, natural and effective.

By incorporating these tips into your sleep routine, you can significantly reduce back pain and enjoy restful sleep.

Finally, by adopting a good posture for sleeping with back pain, using a suitable mattress and pillow as well as gentle and natural tips such as hot baths or hot water bottles, you can significantly reduce your back pain and improve your sleep.