How do you know if back pain is serious?

Comment savoir si un mal de dos est grave ?

With 60-80% of adults likely to suffer from lower back pain, back pain is a common pain for many of us, however your back pain should get your full attention because it can sometimes be a sign of very serious health problems. In this specific case, it is natural to wonder how to know if back pain is serious? In this article we answer your question by informing you about the symptoms and causes of serious back pain, but also about the precautions to take.

I - Symptoms of back pain that should not be ignored

When you have back pain, it is important not to underestimate your symptoms and know which ones may be hiding a serious illness.

Pain under the neck

Pain below the neck, in the upper back can be due to muscle tension, joint problems, and may indicate serious back pain such as a herniated disc, cervical nerve irritation, or spinal stenosis.

If you suffer from upper back pain, difficulty turning your head combined with weakness and pain in your arms or shoulders you should consult a specialist.

According to a study by the Paris Back Surgery Institute, patients suffering from neck pain accompanied by neurological symptoms, such as tingling or weakness in the arms, are more likely to have severe spinal pathology. This study highlights the importance of consulting a specialist quickly to treat symptoms. ( )

Pain accompanied by tingling or numbness in the limbs

Back pain with tingling or numbness in limbs such as arms or legs indicates compression of a nerve or group of nerves.

If you have difficulty standing or drag your feet when walking, and have a feeling of heaviness and loss of control in your legs in addition to your back pain, you may have a bone spur (bony growth around a joint) or stenosis (slow narrowing of the spinal canal).

Pain with bladder disorder

According to a study published by Wellspect, ( ) nerve compression occurs when a nerve is pressed or pinched due to pressure from surrounding bones, tissues or intervertebral discs. This can lead to muscle weakness, pain and tingling in the affected area. Nerve compression can signal a herniated disc, spinal fracture, tumors, infections or spinal stenosis.

If your back pain is accompanied by an inability to control your bladder such as loss of urinary control, difficulty urinating and a feeling that your bladder is not completely empty, this corresponds to a spinal canal disorder. This means that the compression of your nerves impacts the transmission of information between your brain and your organs controlled by your nerves. This results in a temporary loss of bladder control.

Nerve compression occurs when a nerve is pressed or pinched due to pressure from surrounding bones, tissues, or spinal discs. This can cause muscle weakness, pain, and tingling in the affected area. Nerve compression can be a sign of a herniated disc, spinal fracture, tumors, infections, or spinal stenosis.

This requires immediate intervention to avoid serious complications such as paralysis or permanent nerve damage.

Back pain and fever

In general, a fever can have multiple causes. However, a fever related to back pain may be hiding something more serious such as a spinal infection, kidney infection or an epidural abscess.

An epidural abscess is the presence of pus in the area surrounding the spinal cord and nerve roots. Typical symptoms of this condition are persistent back pain, fever, neck stiffness, and chills.

II - Possible serious causes of back pain symptoms

Herniated disc

A herniated disc occurs when the disc between your vertebrae moves out of its normal position. This puts pressure on the nerves around it. Depending on where the herniated disc is located, the pressure can cause numbness, pain, or tingling in your limbs. A herniated disc can be caused by trauma, or by sudden or repetitive movements.

Vertebral fracture

A spinal fracture is a broken or cracked bone in the spine. A spinal fracture can be caused by a fall, accident, or contact sport. Symptoms include loss of feeling in the limbs, persistent back pain, or in some cases even a deformity of the spine that is visible to the naked eye.

Spinal infection

A spinal infection or ''spondylodiscitis'' is an infection of the discs, bones or tissues of your spine. The infection is usually caused by bacteria, viruses, or even fungi. Symptoms of a spinal infection include fever, chills and neck pain. Such an infection requires proper treatment to avoid serious complications such as permanent damage to the nervous system and spine.

Spinal tumor

A spinal tumor is an abnormal growth of cells in or near the spine. This tumor can cause serious neurological problems, weakness in the limbs, and numbness. This type of tumor originates in the bones or tissues around the spine or nerves.

III - What to do in case of severe back pain?

Several studies show that strengthening your back muscles helps relieve and prevent back pain.

For gentle and effective solutions to relieve your back pain, don't hesitate to consult our articles:


In case of severe back pain, it is important to react as quickly as possible to avoid any worsening. First, we advise you to consult a specialist to obtain an accurate diagnosis of your condition.

Getting an appointment with a specialist such as a chiropractor, physiatrist or physiotherapist can take time, so we recommend that you rest and avoid any inappropriate activity while waiting for your medical consultation. You can take non-steroidal anti-inflammatory medications to relieve pain or apply ice to reduce inflammation. Some gentle exercises recommended by professionals can also help prevent pain.

Finally, to know if your back pain is serious, you just need to listen to your body to detect symptoms that indicate serious back pain, such as fever, pain under your neck, bladder problems, or tingling or numbness in your limbs. If you experience any of these symptoms, you should consult a health professional as soon as possible to prevent your condition from getting worse.

FAQ: How do you know if back pain is serious? All your questions answered.

  • How do you know if back pain is serious?

    • To determine if back pain is serious, you should base your decision on the intensity of the pain as well as the symptoms that accompany it, such as difficulty moving, fever, bladder problems, and numbness or tingling sensations.

  • What does pain under the neck mean?

    • Neck pain can be caused by muscle tension, poor posture, or problems like a herniated disc. If it lasts a long time or gets worse, talk to a doctor.

  • When does back pain with tingling or numbness in the limbs become a concern?

    • If these symptoms do not go away or you have difficulty moving your limbs, this becomes a cause for concern and may indicate a nerve problem.

  • What are the potential dangers associated with bladder or bowel problems when dealing with back pain?

  • Potential dangers associated with bladder or bowel problems with severe back pain include developing a serious medical condition such as a herniated disc,

  • a serious spinal injury, or a tumor. All of these diseases are caused by severe compression of the nerves or spinal cord and can lead to paralysis of the limbs.

  • How to distinguish between ordinary back pain and back pain associated with fever?

  • If you have a fever along with your back pain for several days, this may indicate severe back pain and could be hiding an infection.